Jake and I grew up as neighbors just outside of town on the same main highway.
Our families owned pretty big houses each on several acres of land and although this could have been (and once was) farm-land none of us in either family were exactly cut out to be the farmhand types. We didn't even watch documentaries on agricultural stuffies. Hahaha.

Our parents were best friends and we were born three days apart so, much like Sammy and Ryan, we were close from the git-go. Crib to playpen to the great beyond and whatever happens, but we always knew above else that it would be the two of us. Happy childhoods we had and we just sorta melded into one unit from the start, again much like Ryan and Sammy but in a very different way kinda sort of.

I have no doubt that everyone in town knew the score with Jake and me from early on (especially from Middle-School on) and we didn't care. Both our parents were ok with us as a pair from the beginning, and we came out early. REALLY early. We just couldn't see any reason not to since we had decided in fourth grade or so that this was 'it' for us and that was that as far as we were concerned. Sounds silly seeing that in print but so be it...and we STILL feel the same way. There was NEVER any doubt. He and me and that was that and that IS that.

We were both honor students all the way through school and that helped tremendously to get us in to the University of Michigan with scholarships thank you very much.

I was gonna be a doctor (UofM has one of the world's best Medical Schools) but that blood and guts thing EWWW...and Jake was gonna be a lawyer and...ok, one out of two. LOL. Well, not exactly. He does have his law degree (almost) but he has been a police detective for a year now and go figure that one. He told me once that he has always been fascinated with law enforcement (maybe the gun thing...I sleep with one eye open). A Sicilian being a cop to me is a scream, and I have loads of fun ribbing him about that. He takes it good-naturedly which is his bent but to be fair he is so fucking good-natured at all times anyway it should be criminal, but then he would have to arrest himself,

He is GORGEOUS in a uniform by the way, except that he is now a detective so never has to wear one. Oh well. He is gorgeous in a suit and tie too, and skinny jeans WHOO HOO. Trust me that is one helluva package and I am so soooo lucky. He says he is the lucky one and yeh sure. Ok, just as long as he thinks that I am safe. HAH.

We had known for a long time that after college we would come back home. It has always been home to us and we love it here. It just feels like home so that is what we did and as soon as we got back we bought a home

on the edge of town. (With the help of both sets of parents), and I can hardly wait to get THAT bill, and this house is literally a dream come true. I couldn't ask for a nicer one to start life in, especially with a new husband and job and all that and I should add they helped us buy it, but they ain't gonna help pay for it. Hahaha.

Anyway, we got that done, then got hitched (at the church, reception at the country club and it hit the papers too and whoa). Then a three-week honeymoon in Europe thanks to the 'rents, and then back to start life as a very very happy couple. Couple of what we have never been too sure but...

Jake keeps a very small one-room apartment in town so he has a town address for work but never spends any time there. None. I should add that we haven't spent a night apart EVER, yes indeedy...and never plan to either. Not apart but these days not alone exactly either and yes I do have to explain that.

Ok, here the way have I mentioned Drib and Drab. No? Oh well, let me tell you. See, Jake has twin brothers who are high school seniors this year and JUST ABOUT ADULTS or so they claim. (I have my doubts) and two of the biggest loud-mouthed never stop to smell the roses or the cow plops or much of anything else...gyrating misfits EVER to set foot on this planet.

they are as frenetic and nutty as it gets.

THEY ARE...Dylan (named for me and why I have no clue) and Drew short for Andrew which he hates and no I don't know why that is either. They seem to like us a whole lot...which should tell you loads about their mental and social health, and they do spend as much or more time at our house than they do at their own which I am sure makes life at the parents abode MUCH quieter. Pleasanter, and well, yeh.

They have their own room in our house but love 'bunking' with us whenever possible and let me tell you. King beds DO HAVE THEIR LIMITS especially with two bouncy bounce goofballs like Dylan and Drew. I have my limits too...I LIKE being in bed with my husband JUST US TWO. Garumph. The only positive thing is their being in bed with us pushes Jake and I closer together and well, ok...that works, sorta. LOL.

I love them to death but don't tempt me BUT enough about Doofus and Goofus for now.

We have seemed to fit into life here easily. I'm a reporter (yes, a degree in Journalism with second majors in communications and computer science) with the local tv station and I also write a column for the local paper as well. (I have written several novels which are available in your local bookstores and on Amazon and that is the first and only commercial you will find here. LOL).

So there you have a little background but let's get back to the gritty.

One night Jake and I and the drools were sitting at the dinner table snorfling on rising crust pizza and steak fries and ice cream when the phone rang. I was gonna let it ring but Jake saw the caller ID and picked up.

"Det. Cicoletti here." (SWOON, SO SEXY LOL).

He talked and listened and more listened than talked and then hung up.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Trouble honey."
"Seems we have a murder in our quiet little village."
"GET OUT," Dylan Jr piped up.
"True enough and sorry honey but I gotta get to the station."
"I'll go with since must be a story in it."
"Ok baby."

The look on Jake's face as the commercial goes was priceless.
"Uh," he sputtered
"C'mon. We never get to see any murder scenes," this from Dylan the younger, again, as to be expected.

Jake got one of those non-romantic smouldering bonfire just short of a raging inferno looks on his face and I damn near laughed out loud, BUT the look on his face said I probably better not. Hehehe.

So as they say we vamoosed in the new Range Rover and headed downtown to the precinct to be greeted by the sergeant on duty, Brant Harris. Nice guy when you get to know him which, I have to confess, is not always easy. He is the strong silent type, with emphasis on the silent. Tonight however he was in chat mode. About the murder of course.

"Hey Jake, Dylan," and we greeted back and so much for the pleasantries.
"Let me fill you in, if that is ok," and Jake nodded his assent.


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